Saturday, 23 February 2013

DIY Shoes ◔‿◔

DIY Glitter shoes!!!

If you have a old or extra pair or shoes you want to re-invent and then why not 'Gilitterfy' them.
You can do whole shoe or just the heel or even just the front toe area.

glitter shoes before after SM

You will need:

- Pair of shoes
- ***Mod Podge Glue with a Gloss Finish (I prefer see below on how to make in not available in your city)
- A bowl
- Sponge brush/ Paint brush

- GLITTER (any kind you'd like! I suggest buying the biggest jar you can find) 
- Painters tape (tape the bottom and insides unless you want glitter all over your shoe)
- Water proof shoe protection 
- Newspaper (or a bag) to put the shoes on


1. Tape off the inside and bottom of the shoe. To avoid glitter blast.

2. Mix the glitter and glue together in the bowl. Go glitter crazy. 

3. Mix and start applying to the shoe. This is the messy part.

 Let sit for twenty minutes and go back for round two and three. (color will become more prominent once it dries).

4. Once the shoes are completely dry go back over them with just glue to make sure the glitter stays in place or you can also  Water proof shoe protection spray!

5. Let shoes dry. 

Warning: This DIY is quite messy! Be prepared for glitter to be EVERYWHERE.

Now wear them and flaunt them ^__*

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*** To make Modge podge
Just take a empty jar (jam/sauce)
Fill it with 50% water and 50% glue.
Shake well and also label the jar.
(Should have a pasty consistency)


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