Saturday 18 January 2014

Review: Ruby red H&M

After Mac discontinued one of my nail paint I thought i'll never find one but yeah I got my hands on a similar shade in fact almost same from ... H&M. Of all the places H&M!! After ages a £3 nail paint made me this happy.

If you can get your hand on this then please do. It is glossy, smooth, One coat and you'll be happy. Dries up in the usual time and has a nice finish.
It has a very sensual feel to it and will make you very happy. 

It's a good buy. xxox

Saturday 11 January 2014

The hand diet.

I know I haven't been updating my blog but it's the cold weather. It make me all lazy and also makes me gain weight. How many of us go through this yo yo weight during the winters? I'm sure there plenty dolls out there. Let me give yo a helping hand....No really your hand. The real secret lies within us keke...Im talking about portion control diet.

See for your self:

Experts say that a lack of portion control is one of the main reasons so many of us are overweight - with many of us eating way more than we should be

The American Cancer Society says that many of us regularly eat way bigger portions than we should - for example, up to five times the recommended portion size of pasta.

In their book, The Gastric Mind Band, Martin and Marion Shirran provide eye-opening examples of how portion control can make a huge difference to the waistline. 

They say: 'Spread butter on your toast, but be aware that a teaspoon of ­butter (enough for a thin layer) is 37 ­calories, but a ­tablespoon (a ­generous covering) is three times as much (111 calories).

'Put dressing on your salad, but learn to weight the vinegar in favour of the oil. A teaspoon of oil may be 45 ­calories, but a tablespoon is 135. That one extra tablespoon of oil every day amounts to a stone weight gain over a year.

'Switch to sweetener in your tea or ­coffee. Cutting out two spoons of sugar in your tea three times a day creates an annual calorie deficit of 37,000 calories, which could be enough to shed more than 11lb.

What portion sizes look like

Kathleen Zelman, Director of Nutrition for the health website WebMD, has drawn up another way to manage portion sizes

Kathleen Zelman, Director of Nutrition for the health website WebMD, has drawn up another way to manage portion sizes.

For example, she says that a pancake should be no bigger than a CD, a bagel should be the size of a can of tuna and a serving of mayonnaise the size of a poker chip.

A serving of chocolate should be the size of a dental floss package, a portion of hummus the size of a golf ball and a three-cup serving of popcorn the size of three baseballs.

So my gorgeous girls try your hand on the portion diet. It's about your health. There is nothing burger and alfredo every once in a while. xxox

Tuesday 31 December 2013

HNY. - A new start.

We have experienced many setbacks and failures throughout our lives. Sometimes we allow these mistakes, these setbacks and failures to enslave us to the point that we never enjoy our life, given us to enjoy.

The fact all of us here made some mistakes or we made some bad decision that hindered us from doing those things that wanted to do. The fact all of us here made some mistakes or we made some bad decision that hindered us from doing those things that wanted to do. 

Other people can hurt us, other people can harm us, and other people can scar us. But the only person that can ruin your life is you. Nobody can ruin your life without your permission. You have a choice and that is you can choose how you’re going to respond to those hurts. 

“A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confess and forsakes them he gets another chance.” 

I want to share with you a formula for starting over. S.T.A.R.T. I hope you’ll remember this and pass it along to friends when they have failures. Regardless of what kind of failure you had in the past. You may have had a financial failure, or maybe a relational failure, a failure in your marriage. You may have had a moral failure. You may have really blown it and you may have made some decisions you’re so ashamed of and hope nobody ever finds out about. Regardless of the failure you’ve had in your life, here’s how you start over. 

S – Stop making excuses.
T - Take An Inventory Of My Life
A - Act in faith
- Refocus
T – Trust

If I want a fresh start in life, I have to stop making excuses for my failures. I’ve got to stop blaming other people. I’ve got to stop seeing myself as the victim of my circumstances. 

Why won't people listen to the advice of other people? Because they think they don’t need it. It’s called pride. Ego. Ego stands for "Edging God Out." When a person thinks they know more they’re on an ego trip and that trip leads to a dead end. The person that gets too big for their britches, will eventually be exposed in the end. That’s the problem with pride. 

As 2013 end, a new start awaits us, a new beginning. Always know it is possible to have a fresh start. Start being interested in your future. Look into new thing as you get to live. It’s not over, make plans for your life.

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